Children’s Literature Summer School

About the Summer School

Now in its sixth year, the children’s literature summer school gives you the chance to examine key aspects of children’s literature, to deepen your knowledge, and enhance your appreciation of texts for young readers.

The summer school is taught through lectures, which open up key areas for investigation, and workshops which give participants the opportunity to examine and discuss specific texts and to test a variety of approaches to children’s books. Staff will guide you through critical material and show you how familiar books can still surprise and delight us.

The summer school will be of special interest to teachers, students, librarians, educationalists and children’s literature enthusiasts.

The 2023 children’s literature summer school will be hosted online.

Online learning at your own pace

This year’s summer school is fully online with recorded lectures and live seminar sessions and materials you can read in your own time. Staff in the School of English will post lectures on specialist topics on many aspects of children’s literature.

Each of the sessions is supported with a dedicated discussion forum so you can chat to other learners, ask questions, and share your views on the material. Course tutors will be taking part in these discussions too.

There will also be a live seminar session for each topic that all learners can join. If you miss a live session, you can always watch back in your own time. The schedule for the live seminars is here.

You can work at your own pace through the material: you can zip through it all quickly or spread out your engagement over the week. Whatever suits you best!


Registration for the online summer school is €30 (€20 for student tickets or concessions).

Tickets are on sale now:


You won’t be expected to do any particular preparation in advance of the lectures or workshops. You will be provided with access to all necessary materials when you register.

Extracts from key texts as well as key resources will be provided so you can read as deeply or as widely as you wish!